Your Check Card is being replaced with the new Elysian Bank Visa Check Card
Your new card will be active on October 21, 2019!
Your old card will no longer work as of October 21, 2019!
Your Check Card is being replaced with the new Elysian Bank Visa Check Card
Your new card will be active on October 21, 2019!
Your old card will no longer work as of October 21, 2019!
As a valued customer, you deserve the very best in financial convenience. That’s why we’ll soon be sending you a NEW Elysian Bank Visa Check Card to replace your current card. Please watch for this new card in your mailbox beginning of October 2019.
Just like your old card, your new card will give you continued access to your existing checking account with Elysian Bank. Your new card will ensure access to all your existing card benefits with absolutely no interruption in service.
WATCH YOUR MAIL for your new Elysian Bank Check Card!
You can expect to receive your replacement card beginning of October 2019.